Source code for django_website.MapMiners.MapMiner

from django_website.Primitives.GeoImage import GeoImage
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Polygon
from geojson import FeatureCollection
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReference, CoordTransform

[docs]class MapMiner(ABC): """ Abstract class representing a Map Miner adapter to collect data from some GIS (Geographic Information System). fields: _destcrs = SpatialReference(3857) Destination Coordinates Reference System used to convert a distinct Source Coordinate System (SRS) to the adopted default (from OpenStreetMap). _subclasses : List[MapMiner] Contains a list of every subclass of MapMiner. Filled dynamically. """ _destcrs = SpatialReference(3857) # OpenLayers defauls srid _subclasses = [] def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """ This subclass initializer will be responsible for registering all the subclasses from MapMiner. Besides simple checks are done here in order to assure the presence of expected properties such as: 'mapMinerName' : str Used to display the MapMiner in the front-end. 'mapMinerId' : str Used as identifier of the mapMiner in the back-end by the MapMinerManager. '_availableQueries' : dict[str, callback] Used to map which kinds of queries the mapMiner supports, for example the OSMMiner has _availableQueries = {'Streets': _getStreets}) '_destcrs' : SpatialReference(3857) Parameters ---------- x : dict A simple dict object y : dict A simple dict object Returns ------- dict object with keys from both initial dict objects """ super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls._subclasses.append(cls) notImplementedFields = [] checkFields = [ (cls.mapMinerName, 'mapMinerName'), (cls.mapMinerId, 'mapMinerId'), (cls._availableQueries, '_availableQueries'), (cls._destcrs, '_destcrs'), ] for i in range(len(checkFields)): try: if checkFields[i][0] is None: notImplementedFields.append(checkFields[i][1]) except NameError: notImplementedFields.append(checkFields[i][1]) if len(notImplementedFields) > 0: errors = ", ".join(notImplementedFields) raise NotImplementedError("%s not defined in subclass: %s" % (errors, cls.__name__)) cls._initialize(cls) pass __all__ = ["mapMinerName", "mapMinerId", "getAmenities"] """This property represents the filter's name that'll be displayed in the UI""" mapMinerName = None """This property represents id used to catalog all available filters""" mapMinerId = None """This property represents the possible queries the user can make to a specific MapMiner""" _availableQueries = None """This property represents the source GIS srid""" _basecrs = None @classmethod def _initialize(cls): pass
[docs] @classmethod def getAvailableQueries(cls): """Registry of available queries to any clients (i.e. frontend)""" return [query for query in cls._availableQueries]
[docs] @classmethod def doQuery(cls, queryName: str, regions: FeatureCollection): """Execute a registered query""" if not type(regions) is FeatureCollection: regions = FeatureCollection(regions) if not type(regions['features']) is list: regions['features'] = [regions['features']] print(cls._availableQueries) print(regions) results = cls._availableQueries[queryName](cls._preFormatInput(regions)) print(results) return results
@classmethod def _reproject(cls, geosobject): trans = CoordTransform(cls._basecrs, MapMiner._destcrs) return geosobject.transform(trans) @staticmethod def _preFormatInput(GeoJsonInput: FeatureCollection): return GeoJsonInput