Source code for django_website.MapMiners.OSMMiner

from geojson import Point, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Feature, FeatureCollection
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReference
import requests
from typing import List
from django_website.Primitives.OSMPrimitives import *
from .MapMiner import MapMiner
from itertools import chain
import re
from dateutil.parser import parse
from threading import Lock
import sys

from django_website.geofunctions import flip_geojson_coordinates

[docs]class OSMMiner(MapMiner): """ OpenStreetMaps miner constructed using the Overpass API class members: Derived from MapMiner: - mapMinerName : 'OpenStreetMap' - mapMinerId : 'osm' - _basecrs : SpatialReference(3857) Internal: -_OSMServerURL = '' """ mapMinerName = "OpenStreetMap" mapMinerId = "osm" #EPSG:3857 #Since OpenLayers and OSMMiner use the same SRID no convertion is needed _basecrs = SpatialReference(3857) # _OSMServerURL defines where should the OSMMiner collect GIS Data # Options are: # OverpassAPI.DE -> Public OSM API (with limits of request's size/rate) # -> INACITY's private mirror of OSM _OSMServerURL = '' inacityorg = '' overpassapi = 'OverpassAPI.DE' if _OSMServerURL == inacityorg: _overpassBaseUrl = "" elif _OSMServerURL == overpassapi: _overpassBaseUrl = "" else: raise ValueError('Invalid _OSMServerURL ('+_OSMServerURL+')!') _overspassApiStatusUrl = '' _outFormat = "[out:json]" _timeout = "[timeout:60]" _lock = Lock() _destcrs = SpatialReference(3857) _crs = { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "EPSG:3857" } }
[docs] class OverpassRunningQuery: """Dedicated class to wrap Overpass status running queries data, if any is available""" def __init__(self): = 0 self.spaceLimit = 0 self.timeLimit = 0 self.startTime = 0 #i.e. 2018-05-08T21:30:02Z pass
[docs] class OverpassAPIStatus: """Dedicated class to wrap Overpass status data""" def __init__(self): self.connectId = 0 self.currentTime = 0 self.rateLimit = 0 self.waitingTime = [] self.availableAfter = [] self.availableSlots = 0 self.runningQueries = []
[docs] @staticmethod def fromText(textMessage): """Creates an OverpassAPIStatus object from the text description obtained at overpass/api/status""" ret = OSMMiner.OverpassAPIStatus() lines = textMessage.split(r'\n') if len(lines) < 4: return ret m ='Connected as: (\d+)$', lines[0]) if m: ret.connectId = int( m ='Current time: (.+?)$', lines[1]) if m: ret.currentTime = parse( m ='Rate limit: (\d+)$', lines[2]) if m: ret.rateLimit = int( startAtLine = 3 for lineno, line in enumerate(lines[startAtLine:]): m ='^(\d+) slots available now.', line) if m: ret.availableSlots = int( continue m ='Slot available after: (.+?), in (\d+?) seconds.', line) if m: ret.availableAfter.append(parse( ret.waitingTime.append(int( continue if line == r'Currently running queries (pid, space limit, time limit, start time):': for subline in lines[lineno+startAtLine+1:]: fields = subline.split('\t') if len(fields) != 4: continue ovpq = OSMMiner.OverpassRunningQuery() = int(fields[0]) ovpq.spaceLimit = int(fields[1]) ovpq.timeLimit = int(fields[2]) ovpq.startTime = parse(fields[3]) ret.runningQueries.append(ovpq) break return ret
_overpassBaseUrl = "" #_overpassBaseUrl = "" _overspassApiStatusUrl = '' _outFormat = "[out:json]" _timeout = "[timeout:60]" _lock = Lock() _destcrs = SpatialReference(3857) _crs = { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "EPSG:3857" } } def __init__(self): raise Exception("This is a static class and should not be instantiated.") #pass def _initialize(cls): module = sys.modules[__name__] setattr(module, "OSMMiner", cls) OSMMiner._setRateLimit() pass _getStreets = None _rateLimit = -1 _currentQueries = 0 @staticmethod def _setRateLimit(): if OSMMiner._OSMServerURL == OSMMiner.inacityorg: OSMMiner._rateLimit = 99999999 return elif OSMMiner._OSMServerURL == OSMMiner.overpassapi: """Check how many queries can be executed concurrently according to OverpassAPI Status""" if OSMMiner._rateLimit <= 0: statusMessage = str(requests.get(OSMMiner._overspassApiStatusUrl).content) ovpStatus = OSMMiner.OverpassAPIStatus.fromText(statusMessage) OSMMiner._rateLimit = max(OSMMiner._rateLimit, ovpStatus.rateLimit) if OSMMiner._rateLimit <= 0: raise ValueError("Couldn't set the rateLimit value!") @staticmethod def _waitForAvailableSlots(): """Collect status from OverpassAPI, available slots and current queries""" if OSMMiner._OSMServerURL == OSMMiner.inacityorg: pass elif OSMMiner._OSMServerURL == OSMMiner.overpassapi: while True: statusMessage = str(requests.get(OSMMiner._overspassApiStatusUrl).content) ovpStatus = OSMMiner.OverpassAPIStatus.fromText(statusMessage) if ovpStatus.availableSlots > 0: break timeToWait = min(ovpStatus.waitingTime)+1 if len(ovpStatus.waitingTime) > 0 else 3 time.sleep(timeToWait) @staticmethod def _preFormatInput(GeoJsonInput: FeatureCollection): flip_geojson_coordinates(GeoJsonInput) return GeoJsonInput @staticmethod def _getStreets(regions: FeatureCollection) -> MultiLineString: """Collect a set of Ways (from OSM) and convert them to a MultiLineString""" overpassQueryUrl = OSMMiner._createCollectStreetsQuery(regions) OSMMiner._lock.acquire() print("Rate limit %d, current queries: %d \n" % (OSMMiner._rateLimit, OSMMiner._currentQueries)) while OSMMiner._currentQueries >= OSMMiner._rateLimit: time.sleep(1) OSMMiner._waitForAvailableSlots() OSMMiner._currentQueries += 1 ##DEBUG #print("added query: %d\n" % OSMMiner._currentQueries) OSMMiner._lock.release() jsonString = requests.get(overpassQueryUrl).content OSMMiner._currentQueries -= 1 ##DEBUG #print("removed query: %d\n" % OSMMiner._currentQueries) try: #TODO: Treat cases in which the OSM server fails osmResult = OSMResult.fromJsonString(jsonString) except: print("Error while parsing overpass message. Message sample: %s" % jsonString[:100]) raise AttributeError("Invalid jsonString") streetSegments = {} # Data needs to be sorted before being grouped, otherwise # the same group may appear multiple times data = sorted(osmResult.Ways.values(), key=lambda x: x.tags.get('name')) g = groupby(data, lambda x: x.tags.get('name')) for streetName, group in g: nodesList = [x.nodes for x in group] OSMMiner._mergeWays(nodesList) if streetName in streetSegments: streetSegments[streetName] = streetSegments[streetName] + nodesList else: streetSegments[streetName] = nodesList featuresList = [] for streetName in streetSegments: featuresList.append( Feature(id=streetName, properties={'name':streetName}, geometry=MultiLineString([LineString([ Point([osmResult.Nodes[n].lon, osmResult.Nodes[n].lat]) for n in s]) for s in streetSegments[streetName]])) ) return FeatureCollection(featuresList, crs=OSMMiner._crs) #return StreetsDTOList @staticmethod def _createCollectStreetsQuery(regions: FeatureCollection): """Requests a hardcoded query for the overpass API to collect highways and paths with an asphalt surface""" header = OSMMiner._overpassBaseUrl + "%s%s;" % (OSMMiner._outFormat, OSMMiner._timeout) outresult = '(.allfiltered;>;);out;' middle = '' numRegion = 0 for feature in regions['features']: geom = feature['geometry'] assert type(geom is Polygon) #numRegion += 1 #stringRegion = str(r.coords).replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(",", "") stringRegion = str(geom.get('coordinates')).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(',','') middle += '(way["highway"~".*"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '");way["surface"="asphalt"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '");)->.all;(way["fixme"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '")->.a;way["highway"="footway"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '")->.a;way["highway"="service"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '")->.a;way["highway"="steps"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '")->.a;way["name"!~".*"](poly:"' + stringRegion + '")->.a;)->.remove;(.all; - .remove;)->.allfiltered;' ret = header+middle+outresult return ret @staticmethod def _mergeWays(nodesSegList: List[OSMNode]): """ Collapse a list of lists of nodes from ways into a single nodes list (if endpoint nodes, from different lists in the same way, are the same). For example, let nodesSegList = [ [[0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3]], # 1st Line [[0,3], [1,1], [1,2], [1,3]], # 2nd Line ] In this example nodesSegList contains two line strings, each with 4 coordinates. Notice that the last coordinate of the 1st Line ([0,3]) is the same as the first one from the 2nd Line, so both lines can be merged into a single longer line: [[0,0], [0,1], [0,2], "[0,3]", [1,1], [1,2], [1,3]] Parameters ---------- nodesSegList : List[OSMNode] A list of :class:`OSMNode` objects from an :class:`OSMWay` object. Each of this nodes represents a point in a path like a street or avenue. Returns ------- The same list after the merging was done. """ while True: merged = False for i in reversed(range(len(nodesSegList))): for j in reversed(range(i)): if (nodesSegList[i][0] == nodesSegList[j][0]): #heads-heads #Remove repeated element from the second list del nodesSegList[j][0] nodesSegList[j] = [x for x in chain([y for y in reversed(nodesSegList[i])], nodesSegList[j])] merged = True break elif (nodesSegList[i][-1] == nodesSegList[j][-1]): #tails-tails #Remove repeated element from the second list del nodesSegList[j][-1] nodesSegList[j] = [x for x in chain(nodesSegList[j], [y for y in reversed(nodesSegList[i])])] merged = True break elif nodesSegList[i][-1] == nodesSegList[j][0]: #tails-heads #Remove repeated element from the second list del nodesSegList[j][0] nodesSegList[j] = [x for x in chain(nodesSegList[i], nodesSegList[j])] merged = True break elif nodesSegList[i][0] == nodesSegList[j][-1]: #heads-tails #Remove repeated element from the second list del nodesSegList[j][-1] nodesSegList[j] = [x for x in chain(nodesSegList[j], nodesSegList[i])] merged = True break if merged: #debugging only #print("deleted: ", nodesSegList[i]) #print("merged: ", nodesSegList[j]) del nodesSegList[i] break if not merged: break return nodesSegList _availableQueries = {'Streets': _getStreets}